A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

.And now fareweU!-Time unrevoked haarun
Ilia wonted colll'Re, yet what I wiah'd ia done.
By Contemplation's help, not sought in vain.
I aeem to have lived my childhood o'el' again;
To have renew'd the joys that once were miD~
Without the sin of violating thine;
And, while the wings of Fancy still are tree.
And I can view this mimic show of thee,
Time haa but half succeeded in his thefl;-
').'hyseU 1-emoved, thy power to soothe me le~

A Dl!.A.Til-BltD OOllPOSITIOlf. *

TB.otroBTS of home! how sad they twine
Round this exiled heart of mine ;
My cheek hnth felt for many yeiU"'I
The scalding of thoge parting tea1-a;
And on my spirit ever dwells
The burden of our laat farewell&

Words of home I how welcome here,
Oft to strengthen, oft to cheer ;
Fix' d by love beyond the t'a.n,ge
Of the scatt'riug hand of change;
But the hea1·ts thnt gave them worth
Never more shall meet on earth.

Scenes of home! how oft they rise, "!":,
Back'd by Memory's tinted skies; ;.
Like island-gems on Ocean's breaat
Glowa every Apot that love hath blest;
Till darkne:!ll rises o'er the deep,
.And bids the exiled gazer weep.
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