A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

POJDIB Or 'I'D I!IOCIAL AlfD tlOlBS'I'tO ~Olf8. 231

Ere the eveniag lampe are lighted
And, like phantoms grim and t;i~
Shadowdrom tM fitful fire-light..
Danoe upon ihe.pulourw.ll;

Then the for1111 ofthedeparlecl
Enter at the open door;
The belov6d, the true-hearted,
Come to vilit me once more;

He, the youn~ and strong, who cheriah'd
Noble longJnga for the &triCe,
By the road-eide fell and perieh'd.
W ea:ry wit.h the march of life I

They, the ·boly ones, and weakly,
Wbo tbe Cl'()88 of ellfreri.Dg bore,
Folded their pale banda eo meekly,
Spake with ua on earth no more ;

An1l with them the being beauteous
Who unto m.y !outh waa giV'fln,
More than all t.hwga el.ae to lon me,
And ia now a saint in heaven.

With a slow and uoist~leaa t'ootatePI
Comes that meeseo~r divine,
Takee the vaoe.nt cbatr beeide me,
Laya her gentle hand in miDe ;

And ehe site and ga.zea at me
With thoee deep "nd tender eyea,
Like the stars, so still and aainr,.lilte,
Looking do-wnward from the ek.iee.

Utter'd not, yet comprehended,
Is the spirit'• voiceleaa prayer •
Soft rebuke!\ in bleaain~ e.nded,
'Breathing from her lipe of air.

0, though oft depre88^1 d and lon.&ly,
All my fean an laid aaide,
If I but remember ooly
Such aa th811e have liv~ ~~Ali diedt
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