A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

23iil rOEliB 01' Ta& SOO=u.l. 4lfD DOJ08"1'10 .t.J'RCJ'IO.ll'&


TaOBlt halting tones that aound to yon,
Are not the tonea I hear;
But voicea oli the loved and loat
Then meet; my longing ear.

I hear myan,gel mother'• voice-
Those wer 13 the word a she Auog;
I hear my brother's r inging tones,
.As ouce 0111 earth they rung ;

And friencls that walk in white above
Come rouD,d me like a cloud,
And far abo1•e those el\rtbly notes
Their singiug aounda aloud.

There may b~ discord ae you eay;
Those voices poorly ring;
Bot there's 11.0 discord in th11 strain
Those upp<~r spirits sing.

For they WhlO sing aro or the blest,
The .mlm and glori6ed,
Whose houn1 are one eternal reat
On heaven 'a sweet ftoating tide.

Their life ia :music and accot•d;
Their aoul1! and hearts keep time
In one sweet concert with the Lord-
One conce1: t vaet,aublime.

And througb. the hymne they sang on earth,
Sometimet1 a sweetneaa falls
On those they loved and len below,
And sonly homeward calls.

Bells from our own dear fAtherland,
Borne trenabling o'er the aea-
The narrow net. tnat they have croaa'd,
The ahoreJ;I where we shall be.

Oh sing, aing: on I belond l!ouls;
Sing cares and griela to rest ;
Si1Jg, till entJ~nOOd we arise
To join yo111 'mid the bleat.
MB& H. B. STow.,
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