A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

234 l'OIIMit 0? Tl1l: IIOOLAL .A!rt> DOliflr3l'IC APnariOKS.

0, the~~ I remember,
In the gay and eunny spring,
When O'!lr laughter made the thickets
..Ud the arching alley• rin1 I

0 the merry b\U'Ilt of gladneu J
0 the soft and tender tone I
0 the whisper never utter'd
Save to ODe fond eu-alone t

0 the light of life that aparkled
In those bright and bounteous eyea!
0 the blush of happy beauty,
Tell-tAle of the beart'a awpriae I

0 the radiant light that girdled
Field a.nd foreat, land and sea,
When we all were young togetb~r,
And the earth wa.e new to me I

Where a.re now tbe flowers we tended 1
Wither'd, broken, branch and stem ;
Where are now the hopes we cherish'd 1
Bcatter'd to the winda with them.

For ye 1 too, were flowers, ye dear oues I
Nuri!ed in hope and rea.r'd in love,
Looking fondly ever upward
To the clear blne heaven abov!l.

Me it no:t eiuu.t to t~mh, ~u.euftu.

Is it not sweet to think, hereafter,
When the spirit leaves this srhere,
Love, with death lees wing, abal waft her
To t.hoae abe long bath mourn'd for here 1

Hearts, from which 'twa.a death to aev~
Eyes, this wotld can :ne'er reeto,re,
There, aa warm, aa bright 11.8 ever,
Shall ~eet ua and be lost no more.
Oh I if no other boon were gi Yen,
To keep our hea.rte from ·wrong and stain,
Who would not try to win a Heaven
Where all we love aballli'fe again f M.ooa&.
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