A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
TBotr wert a viaion of delight
To bletJ& ua given;
Beauty embodied to our eight,
A type of Heaven;
So dear to ua thou wery 1 \hou art
Even less thine own aeu than a JIAI'tl
or mine and or thy mothel"a ~
Casa Wappyr

Gem of our hearth, our household pride,
Earth's unrleiiled ;
Could love ha.ve saved, thou had.t not died,
Our dear, sweet .child I
Humbly we bow to God's decree ;
Yet had we hoped that time ehould.aee
Thee mourn for us, not us for th¥&,
Ca.sa Wappy!

Do what I may~ go w.here I will,
Thou tneetat my eight ;
There doet thou glide before me .ml-
A form of light I
X feel thy breath upon my ebeelt-
l see thee smile, I hear thee speak-
Till, oh I my heart is like to break,
.~ "f•P.P.YI

The nursery shon thy pictuNd wall,
Thy ba~ thy bow,
Thy oloak -.nd \IOnnat, club an!l ,ball;
But wliere art thou t
A comer bolda thine empty obair,
Thy playthings idly aoatt.er'd there,
But apeak to us of our despair,
Oaea Wappyl

And though, perchance, a .smile may gleam
Of caaual mirth,
It doth not own, whAte'er may eeem,
An inward birth:

  • Tbe HlCoOQI>Ihred pet oamo or 1.11 IAllui.IIOll ot t.be. poet, &U.en &om ot.rth
    Aftu a wry lldiiC WA-.

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