A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


We miss thy ernalletep on the et.air ;
We miu thee at thine ennillg prayer;
All d11y we miM thee, everywhere,
Caaa Wappy!

Then be to us, 0 dear, lost chiltll
With beam of love,
A atnr, death'a uncongenial wild
Smiling above;
Soon, soon thy little feet have trod
The skyward path, the seraph's rol\d,
Th11t led thee back from man to God,
Caaa Wappyl

Farewell, then-for a. while, farewell-
Pride o( my heart I
I t cannot be that long we dwell,
Thua torn apart:
Time'e ehadowe like the shuttle fiee ;
Aud dark howe'er life'a night may be,
Beyond the grave I'll meet with thee,
Caaa W11ppyl Mont,

~bni Janu, hDID afttn t&tt}l ~~~ll·

Ta.&.'l' name I how oft.en every day
We epake it and we beard;
It was to a a, 'mid tuka or play,
A common household word.
'Tis breathM yet, that nt.m-bnt oh I
How aole.mn now the eonnd!
One of the 88Jictitiee which throw
Such awe our homes around. TRltJCCJl.

J"troi•m• Df Jomt.

There are bomeateads which b&"Ye witnea'd deeds
That battle-fields, with all their banner'd pomp,
Have little to compare with. Life'e great play
May, eo it have an 11otor gre11t enougli,
De well perform'd upon a humble at.age.
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