A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1



Ym clouds I thAL far above me ftoat and pause,
Whose pathleas march no mortal may ooutrol!
Ye Ocean-Waves I that, wberesoEI'er ye ro1l,
Yieln homage only to eternal lawai
Ye Woods l that listen to the night-blrd'a singing,
.Midway the smooth and peri!oua elope reclined,
Save when yonr own impenoua branohes, swinging,
Have mllde a solemn mnBic of the wind I
Where, like a man beloved of Gtld,
Through glooms, which cever woodman trod,
How ottJ pursuing fancies holy,
My moonltght way o'er fiowering weeda ·I wound,
Inspired beyond the gueM of folly,
By each rude shape and wild nnconqnerable sound!
0 ye loud Waves! and 0 ye Forests high I
And 0 ye Clouds that far above me eou'd!
Thou rising Sun! thou blue rejoicing Sky I
Yea, every thing that is 1 and will be free!
Bear wltneas for me, whereaoe'er yo be,
With·'Wbat deep worship I have etill &.dorect
The spirit of divinest Liberty.

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