A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
'TIS liberty alone that gives the flower
Offieeting life ita lustre and perfume;
And we are weeds without it. All constraint,
.Except what wisdom lays on evil men,
Is evil ; hurts the faculties, impedes
Their progress in the road of science, blinds
The eyesight of discovery, and begets
In those that sutrer it a sordid mind,
Bestial, a meagre intellect, unfit
To be the tenant of men's noble form.

lbt ~arb'a $a~ t1f tfm~m.
Lo1JD into pomp sonorous ewell the chord•!
Like linkM legions march the melodies!
Till the full raptute swept the Bard along,
And o'er the liatenenJ ruah'd the stream of song I

.And the De&d spoke I From cairns and kingly graves,
The Heroes call'd ;-and saints from eulieat aht'inee.
.And the Land spoke! M ellifluous river-waves;
Dim forests awful with the roar of pi_ne11 ;
Mysterious caves from legend-haunted deepa;
.And torrents flashing from untroddeu st~:eps ;-

The Land of Freedom called upon the Free!
AU Nature spoke; the clarions of the willd;
The organ-swell of the majestic &ea;
The choral stars; the Univeraal Mind
Spoke, like the voice from which the world began,
"No chain for Natu1·e and the Soul of MAn!"

As leaps tho war-fire on the beacon hills,
Leapt in each heart the lofty fla.me divine;
.As into sunlight tla.eh tbe molten rills,
Flash'd the glad claymorea
lightening liuo on line 1
From cloud to cloud, as slumoer speeds along,
From rank to rank rush'd forth the choral eong.

Woman and child-all co.ught the .fire of men ;
To ita own Heaven that Hallelujah rang;
Life to the sp.,ctrea had return'd again,
.And fron1 the grave an armed nation &JJraDg.
E. .8. Lt't'TON,
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