A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

244 PODs o~ :ruamov .llCD P.I.T8l0'1'18V.

He wHhdrew to brief repose.
A&ain their ravening eagle roee
In anger
:wheel'd on Europe-shadowing wingw,
And barking for the thrones of kings,
Till one that sought but Duty's iron crown
On that loud Sabbath ahook the spoiler c.lo'WD :
A dar. of onaeta of despair I
Daeh d on every rocky square
Their sur ging charges foam'd them.selvt~e away:
Laat 1 the Pruseian trumpet blew ;
Through the long-tormented air
Heaven ftaah'd a sudden jubili\Ut ray
And down we swept and charged and overthrew.
So great a soldier taught ua there,
What long-ellduring hearts coulJ. do
In that world'~arthquake
Waterloo I
Mighty seaman, tender aud true,
And pure aa he from taint of craven guile,
0 saviour of the ailver-coa.ated isle,
0 abaker of the Baltic and the Nile,
tr aught of things that here befall
Touch a spirit among tbioga divine.
If love of countrY move thee there at all,
Be 'glad beCAuse his bones &re laid by thine!
And through the centuries let " people's voice
In full acclaim,
A people's voice,
The proof and echo of all human rnme,
A peo{lle'a voice, when they rejoice
At cine r8'1'el and pomp and game,
Atteet their great commander'• claim,
With honour, honour, honour, honour to him.
Eternal honour to his name.

ta Jli.ltan.

Mn:roN! thou ahouldst be living at thia hotLr:
England bath need of thee ; she ia n fen
Of atAgnant waten: altar, aworll, and pen,
Fireside, the heroic wealtb of hal I and bower,
Have forf'eited their ancient Eo~tliab dower
Of inward bAppine88.. We ue aelfish men,
ObI raiae ua up, return to us again ;
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