A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
POBMB 01" l!'llBEDOll AlfD PATRIOT18Jot. 245

And gire ua manners, virtue
freedom, power.
Thy soul waa like a ata.r, ana. dwelt apart :
Thou hut a voice whose aound Willi like t.be l!eA:
Pure as the naked heaveD.II, majestic, free,
So didst thou travel on life's common way,
In rheerflll godliness; and yet thy heart
The lowliest dutie& on herself didat 1~.
W ORDSWOll.'l'B.

I TRAVKLL'D among unknown men,
In landa beyond the aea;
N or , England I did I know till then
WhAt love I bore to thee.

'Tis put that melancholy dream I
Nor will I quit thy shore
A second time ; for still I seem
T o love thee more and more.

Among thy mountains did I feel
Tho jo.}' of my desire ;
And she I cheriah'd turo'd her wheel
Beside an English fire.

Thy mornings show'd, thy nighte coneeal'd
The bowers where Lucy play'd ;
An<J thine too is the lut green field
Tbat Lucy's eyes survey'd.

~obrr of 45a.nn.t' • ®ul.oga .an f;119lanb.

Tats royal throne of kinjpl, this aeeptred isle,
This earth of majes~y, Uu.s seat of MArs,
This other Eden, demi-paradiae ;
This fortreaa, built by nature for herself
Against infection, and the hand of war ;
Tllia happy breed or men, this little world,
Thill precious stone eet in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a ww~
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