A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

El{OL~lfD, with all thy faults, l Jove thee &till-
My country! anrl while yet A nook i• left
Where English minds and manners may be found,
Shall be constrain'd to love thee. Tboo~h thy climtt
Be fickle 1 and thy year most part deform rl
With dripping min~ or wither'd by a Croat,
I would not yet excliauge thy sullen skies,
.And fields without e. Bower, for warmer }'ranee
With &11 her vi.nea; nor for A.naonia'e grovea
Of golden frnitage, and her myrtle bo"l'fen.
To shake thy senate, and from l\eighte eoblime
or patriot eloqueDce to Be..& dowu fire
Upon thy foee, "Wall never meant my t.uk:
But 1 can feel thy fortunes, and parta.ke
Thy joys and eor rows, with e.s true & heArt
Aa any tbunderer there. And I can feel
Thy folliea too; and witb a just disdain
Frown at effemin&tee, whoee nry lookt
Reftect diahonou.r on the la.nd I love.

0 DEAR Britain! 0 my Mother Isle!
Needs muattbou prove a 11ame moat dear 11.11d holy
To me, & eon, a brother, and a friend,
A. husband, and a father I who revere
.All bonds of natural love, and find them aU
Within the lim ita of thy roclcy ahorea.
0 native Britain I 0 roy Mother Iale I
How ebould'11t thou prove aught el~~e bu~ dew aud holy
To me, who f1·om thy lakes a.nd monatsin-hilla,
Thy clouds
thy quiet dales, thy rock& and ae~te,
Jiave drunk in all my intellectual life,
All sweet aeusatious 1 all ennobling thoughts,
All adoration of the God in nature,
All lovely and all hononroble tbinga,
Whatever makes this mortal epirit (Ae)
The j oy and lll"BIItn~as of ita futnre be.Ua£. t

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