A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
248 POlDlB OP FBX&DO.IIl Al(l) P.l'l'B.lOTU>.IIl.

There lives nor form uor feeling in my eoul
UnbotTOw'd from my country. 0 divine
And Leauteoua island! thou lul.at been my sole
.And moet magnificent temple, in the which
I walk with awe, and aing my stately songs,
Loving the God that made me I


JTtn ll! 'ng(a.nb'.

MltN of England I who inherit
Righta that cos~ your aires their blood!
Men whoaa undegenerate epirit
Hae been proved on land and ftood :-

By the foes ye've fought uncounted,
By the glorious deeJa ye've done,
Trophies captored-breAchee mouuted-
Nnviea couqoer'd-kingdowe woo I

Yet remember, England gathent
Hence but fruitler.a wreathe of f.awe,
It the freedom of your fa then
Glow not in your hearta the aame.

'Vhat aremonomentaofbravery,
Where no public virtoea bloom f
What avail in laude ofalanry,
Trophied temples, arch, and tomb f

Pageanta !-Let the world revere ua
For our people's rights and Jaws,
And the breasts of civic heroe8
Bared in Freedom'a holy cauae.

Yours are Hampden's, Roaaell'a glory,
Sydlley'a matchleBB shade il yow.-
Martyn in heroic story,
W ortb a hundred Agincourta 1

We're the sons ofsirea that bafBed

  • Crown'd a.nd mitred tyranny:-
    They defi.ed the field a.nd He&ff'old
    .For their birthrighta-so will we 1

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