A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Mark now the difference, ye that boast your love
Of kin~ between your loyalty and oun.
We, love the man, the paltry pageant, you:
We, the chief patron of the commonwel\lth;
You, the regard leas author Of ita woee:
We, for the sake of liberty, a king;
You, cb&ina and bondage for a tyrant's eake :
Oor love is principle, and lla.t! ita root
In nason-1a judtcions, mllnly, free;
Yonn, a blind instinct, crouches to the rod,
And licb the foot that treads it in the dus&.
Were kingship as. true treasure 8.9 it seems,
Sterling, and worthy of a wise man's wish>
I would not be a king to be beloved·
Oa.useleBB, and daub'd wito undiscerning prai&e,
Where love is mere attachment to the throne,
Not to the man who nUs it M he ooght.

!Jtlt1'!l t. ta his .iofhiers btfatt Jlrrl!tllt.

ONOB more unto the breach, dear friE"nds, once more ;
Or close the w11ll up with our English dead I
ln peaoe, there's nothing eo beOO'mea a man
~ modest etilbless and humility;
Jlut when the. blast of wnr blows in our eant.,
Then iruitate the action of the tiger;
Stift'en the sineWl!, mmmon np tlie blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage:
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect ;
Let it pry through the portAge o( the llelld
Like the bra.se cannon ; le~ the brow o'ezwhelm it,
As fearl"uUy as doth a gal!M rock
O'erhang a.nd jntty hie confounded bftae,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful oceab.
Now set the teeth, and stretch the nostril 11'ide 1
Hold bard the breath, and bend up every spirit
To his full height 1-0n, on, you noble Englieb 1
Whose blood ie fetch'a from fathel'll of .-ar-pro&f!
Fathen, tha.t, like ao man1 Alexllllders,
Have, in these parte, from motn till even fought 1
And ebea.thed their swords fot lack of arga.men\ ;
Dishonour not your mothet8; now attellt,
That those whom you eall'd fatben did beget you!

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