A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
Be copy now to men of groaaer hlood,
And teach them bow to war !-AJlu you, good yeomen 1
Whose limbe were made in England, abow us here
The mettle of your pasture ; let us awear
That you are worth your breeding, which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and bnse
That h11th not noble lustre in your eyes.
Ieee you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Stniniug upon the start. The game's a-foot;
Follow vour spirit; and 1 upon this chArge,
Cry-God for Harry, EnglaoCII and Saint George!
Su .. ur::zsHARE.

~~e §nltle of tke ~aUu.

fu Nelson and tl1e North,
Sing thP. glorious day's renown,
When to battle fierce came forth
All the might of Denmark'a crown,
And her arm• along the deepjroudly ahone :
By each gun the lighted bran ,
In a bold determined biUld,
And the Prince of l1J1 the land
Led them on.

Like levia.tbans adoa.t
Lay their bulwarks on the brine;
While the sign of battle llew
On the lofty British line:
It was teo of April morn by the chime:
As they drifted on their path,
There was silence deep aa death:
.And the boldest held hie breath,
For a time.-

But the might of England tluah'd
To anticipate the sceue ;
And her van the lleeter nuih'd
O'er the de&dly epMe between.
"Hearts of oak I" onr captain.s cried; when eneh gun
From ita adamantine lips
Spread a death·sh&de round the ehipa,
Like the hurricane eclipse
Of the lUll.

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