A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

21\2 POltlilS Ol' J'P..E.EDOll AlfD PATIUO'riSll,

Agaiu! ago.io! again I
And the havoc did not alack,
Till a feeble cheer, the Dane,
To our cheering, sent ua back :-
Their ahota aloDg the det:p slowly boom:-
Tbeu ceased-and nll ia wail,
Aa they strike the ahatter'd aaU;
Or, iu coutlagration p&le,
LigM the gloom.-
Out 1poke the victor then,
Aa he hail'd them o'er the wave;
'' Ye are brothers! ye are men I
A.nd we conquer but to save:-
So pence iDBtead af death let ua bring;
But yield, proud foe, thy tleet,
With the crewa, at Ellglantl'a feet,
And make snbmi&SiOJl meet
To out· king."-
Then Denmark bleas'J our chief,
That he gave her wounds repose;
.And the aounda of Joy &Dd grief
From her people wildly roae
At. Death withdrew his shades from the day.
While the sun look'd ahiuing bright,
O'er a wide and wo!ul11ight,
Wbere the firea of fllllerallight
Died away.
Now joy, Old England, raise!
For the tidings of thy might,
By the festal cities' blaze,
While lbe wine.cup ahinea in lirht:
And yet amidst that j<~y and nproor,
Let ua think of them that sleep,
Full many a fathom deep,
By thy wild and stormy steep,
Brave hea.rta t to Britain's pride
Once so faithful ~md so true,
On the deck of fante that died,
Wil.h the gallant good Riou :
Son. sigh the wind& of heaven o'er their grave I
While the billow mourDful rolla,
And the mermaid's song condoles,
Singing glory to the aoula
Oftltc brave I C.t.lO'BUI.
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