A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

A 'lria~ Bate on the rocky brow
Whtch loob o'er eu..-Lorn 8&lamia ;
And ahipe by thouaanda lay below,
A.hd men in uationa .-.ll were JWs!
He oonnted them at break of day-
And when the ann eet where weN tber t

And where are they t and where art thou,
.My COWl try 1 On thy voiceleae shore
The heroic lt.y i.8 tune leu now- -
The heroic bosom beata no mol'e I
And must thy lyre, eo long divine,
Degenerate into h&Dda like mine 1

'Tie aomething, m the dearth o( &.me,.
Though liuk'd among a fetter'd raoa,
To feel at least a patriot's ahame,
Even aa I sing, su.ft'uae my face ;
F or what ia left. the poet here 1
For Greeks a bluah-for Greece a tear •
.Muat 10e but weep o'er d11ya more blest t
Moat 10e but blush t-Our fathers bled.
&rth I render back from out thy breast
A remnant of our Spartlul dead I
Of the three hnndred grant but three,
To make a new Thermopylro I
What, aileut atill1 and silent a.! I 7
Ah! no ;-the voicea oftl1e dead
Sound like -a distant torrent'a Call,
And answer,'' Let one living bead,
But one a.rill&-we come, we come I''
'Tis but the living who are dumb.

In vain-in vain ; atrilte other chords ;
Fill high the cap with &mian ~ne I
Leave bs.ttlea to the Turkish hordes,
And abed the blood of Saio'a vine I
Hark! rising to the ignoble call-
How anawera each bold Bn.ccbanall

You ha.e the Pyrrhic danoo aa yet,
Where ia the Pyrrhic pbala.nx gone t
Of two web leMons, -.rhy forget
The nobler and the manlier one 1
Yoll have the letters Cadmus ga~e­
Think ye he meant them for a alan ]

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