A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
Fill high the bowl with Samio.n wine!
We Will not think of thetnea like these I
It made Anacreon'a song diTine:
He amed-but aerveO. Polyorate&-
A tyrant; but our maaters then
Were atiU, at leaat, our countrymeo.

Tba tyriWt of the <.."benoneae
Waa freedon1'a best and bravest friend ;
'/'hat tyrant waa Mil ti&dea I
Ob I that the present hour would lend
Another despot of the kind I
.Such chains as his were sore to bind.

·Fill high the bowl with SnmiM wine~
On Suli's rock, 1\nd Parg&'a ahore,
Exiata the remoant of a line
Such aa the Doric mothers bore ;
And there perha.Jl$ some eeed ia sown,
The Heracleidan blood might own,

Trust not for freedom to the Franks-
They have a king 'Who boya aod eellll:
In native swords, ancl native r&.oks 1
The only hope of courage dwelle;
But Tarkish force, and La.tio fraud,
Would break yoar shield, however broad.

Fill high the boYlwith Sa.roiao w'ine I
Our virgiua dance beneath the aha.de-
1 eee thei r gloriooa black eyes ablne ;
But pziog on each glowing maid,
My own the burning te&Mrop laves,
To th.iuk such breaata must euokle alans.

Plaoa me on Sunium'a marbled ete.p,
Where nothing, save the wavet and I,
May hear oar mutnal murmurw aw"p 1
There, awa.n-Uke, let me aing IWd d te :
A laud of ahves shall ne'er be mine-
Dash dowo yon oop of Sam ian 11'ine I
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