A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

ltllUD 5oi~aria. •

AT midnight, in his guarded tent,
The Turk wae dreaming of the hour
When Greece, her kuee in suppliance bent,
Should tremble at hie power:
In dr eams, through camp nnd court, he bore
The trophies of a conqueror;
In dreams hie song of triumph beard ;
Then wore his monarch's signet-ring:
Then preBB'd that monarch's thron&-&ldng;
As wild his thoughts, and gay of wing,
A.8 Eden's garden-bird.

At midnight, in the forest shades,
Bozurus ranged his Suliote band,
True as the steel of their tried blades,
Heroes in heart and hand.
There bad the Peraian's thouaa.ndil stood,
There had the glad eRrth drunk their blood
On old Plat.lsa's day;
And now there breathed that haunted ea
The eons of aires who conquer'd there,
With arm to strike, and soul to dare,
As quick, as far as they.

An hour pass'd on-the Turk awoke;
That bright dream was his last;
HQ wok&-to hear his sentries shriek,
''To o.rmsl they come I the Greek! the Greek!"
He woke-to die midst 1la.me, and smoke,
And about, and groan, and sabre-stroke,
And death·shots falling thick and fast
As lightning from the mountain-cloud;
And heard, with voice as trumpet loud,
BozzARJ& cheer his band :

"Strik&-till the last arm'd foe expires;
Btrik&-for your Altar& and your Jirea;
Strlk&-for the green graves of your sires;
God-6Xid your native land I"

  • fU ~n 11111.11 attAck UJ>OII tile Tutltllb camp at LaiDL lllollt.e of l])e -eftt
    J>la~ Aacuatto. 18111, &~~cUiln>ln!d 1D tl\8 momenLor-natoey. Rio lallwonll
    ".,.._ • 'ro illo ror lll>o"7 11 a pfeuare, 110t a pal a."

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