A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

!170 l'OIDlS o:r lrRUDO¥ 41CD PATlltO'l'l811 •

.Bozua1e! with the storied brave
Greece nurtured in her glory'a time,
Reat thee-there ia no prouder grc.ve 1
E'en in her own proud clime.
She wore no funeral weeds for thee,
Nor bade the dark he&rae WI\Ve ita plume,
Like torn branch !rom death'• leafteu tree,
In aorrow'• pomp ancl pageantry,
The heartleas luxury oC the tomb:
But abe rememben thee u one
Long loved, and for" season gone;
For thee her poet's lyre ia wrea.thed,
R11r mwble wrought, her music bre.thed ;
For thee abe riJlga the biriJld.ay belle ;
Of thee her babes' tint liaping tell• :
F or thine her evening prayer ia lllid
At pt\l&ee couch, and cottage bed ;
Her aolclier, cloaing with the foe
Givee·f'or thy eake a deadlier blow;
Bia plighted maiden, when abe fean
For him, the joy of her young yean,
Thinka of thy !ate, ~d chaeta her tean:
And she, the mother or thy boy.,
Though in her eyo and faded cheek
Ie reAd the grief she will not apeak,
The memory of her buried joye 1
And even she who gave the" birth,
Will, by their pilgrim~iroled hearth,
, Talk oftby doom without a ai"b :
F or tbon art Freedom'& nowt and Fame's,
One of tbe few, the immortal names,
That were not born to die.

le'T death to fall for Freedom's right 1
Be's dead alone that lacks her light
ADd murder sullies in Beaven's eight
The sword he draw• :-
What can alone ennoble fight f
A noule Cd.UBe I

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