A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


Give thAt! a11d welcome War to brace
Her drums! a.ntlrend H eaven'• reeking apace!
The colours planted face to faee,
The charging cheer,
Though Del\th'a pale hor&e lead on the chaae,
ShAlletill be dear,.

And place our trophies where men kneel
To Heaven !-but Heaven rebukes my zeal!
The cause of Truth and human weal,
0 God above I
Transfer it from the sword's appeal
To peace and love.

JicnJi' J ~bbuu ta * Jlm of Jomt.

I cox& not here to talk, ye know too weU
The story of yov tbTaldom-we a.re elavea l
The bright sun rises to ita courae, and lighta
A race of slaves : he eeta, &nd hia last beam
Falla on a ala.ve ; not aucb aa swept
Along by the full tid a of power, the conqueror leads
To crimson g!Qry, and undying be ;
But baee, ignoble alavea; alaTea to a borde
Of petty t:fl'nta, feudl\l dea~ta ; lGrda
Rich in aome dozen paltry Yillage1 ;
Strong in eomtr hundred spearmen ; only great
In that atrange spell, a name : each hour dark fraut.l,
Or open rapine, or protected murder,
Cry out &gainst them; but this nry day,
An houeet man, my neighbour
W aa a truck, at ruck like a dog b1 one who wore
The badge of Ursini; becauae, forsooth f
Be toaa'd not high hia 1"8&dy cap in air,
Nor lifted up hie voice in servile ahonta
At eight of thAt great ruffian. •.. •

-. •. • •. • • Such ahamea are common.
I have known deeper wrnngt. I that speak to ye,
I bad a brother once, a gracious boy,
Full of all geutlene811, or calm eat hope,
Of aweet and quiet joy-there waa the look.
or Heaven upon his face, which limnen glY8
To the beloved di.eciple. How lloved

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