A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

292 1'01!lllB OJ' l!.!.LlOJOI(

.Awake, my soul! not only paa~ive praiee
Tb~ oweet I not nloue these a welling tears,
Mute thanka and secret ecata.ey I Awake,
V oioe of eweet song I A wake, my HeArt, awake I
Green Tall's and icy clifti, all join my Hymn.

Thou tint and chief. aole aovran ofthe Vale I
0 attng~tling with the darkneee aU the n~ght,
A.Jld vieateJ all night by troope of etan,
Or wllen they climb the sky or when they link:
Companion of the morning-etar at dawn,
Tbyaelf Enrth'e T08Y star, and or the dawn
Co-herald I wake, 0 wake, and otter praise I
Who sank thy annleaa pillufll deep iu Earth 1
Who til I'd thy countenance with T08)' light f
Who m.&de thee parent ofperpet\llllettuma 1

And you,]e five wild torrent• fiercely glad I
Who call' you forth from night and utt.er death,
From dl\rk and icy caverns call'd you forth,
Down those precipitous, black, jAggt\11 Rocke,
For ever ehatter'd, and the aame for ever 1
Wbo gave you your invulnerable life,
Your strength, your speed, your fury, and your joy,
Uneea.eing thunder, and eternal foam t
And who comml\Oded (and the silence came),
Bere let the billows stiffen and have rest f

Ye ice-Calla! ye that from the mountain'• brow
Adown enormous ravines elope amain-
Torrents, mdhi.nk.s, that heard a mighty vo1oe,
ADd 11t\lpp'd at once amid their maddeet plunge!
Motioul-;aa torrent• I silent catarnct.!
Who made you glorioua u the gBtee of Heaven
Beueath the keen full moon 1 Who bade the sun
Clothe you with rainbows t Wllo, with liYing dowen
Oflovelieat blue, spread ga.rlande at your feet 1
God I let the torrt>ntll, like 1\ ehont. of nation.e,
Allawer I and let the ice-plain.e echo, God I
God I eing ye meadow-atreama with gladaome voice!
Ye pine.-grovea, with your aoft an•l aoul·like sounds I
And thev too ha,e a voice, yon piles of en ow,
.And in tneir perilous fall ahall thunder, God I
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