A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
P0Jt1(8 O:r B.ELtGtOlf.

Ye lh•iog flo"t"ers that akirt the eteroat frost!
Ye wil•l·goabl ~port10g round the en~le'a nest!
Y e eagle8, pl:\y-mate:. of the mountato·e!.orro!
Yel lightnings, the dN'.ad arrows of the clouds!
Ye •·ignA aod wonders of the element I
:Uttor Cot·th God, and 611 the hills with praise!


Thou too, honr Mount I with thy eky.pointing peaka,
Oft t'1·om whose feet the avalanche, unheat•d,
Shoots downward, glittering tbrongb the pure aerenp
Into the depth of clou•ls th:at veil Lby bt•tmst-
Thoa too again, stupendous MountAin! thou
Tl•at M I r11iee my hear!, awhile bow'd low
In 11doration, up,.urd f•·oru thy bnse
Slow-travelling with ,Jim eyee aufi'uaerl with tear.~,
Solemnly aeemeat, like a vapoury cloud,
T o riee befoN me-Rise, 0 ever r ise,
Riee likt' a cloud of iucel18e, from the .Ebrth I
Thou kingly Spirit throned nmong the billa,
Thou dread 11mbaesador from Enrtb to Heaven,
Great hierarch! tell thou the eilent sky,
Aud tell the sttus, and tell yon ri¥1Df; sun,
Earth, with her tholll!and voices, pnuaea God.


JemrY en t~t .itasans.

TBJI:ll'l. ae they change, ALiftGBTT FATB:ER these.
Are but the varied Goo. The t'Olliog ye~~or
Ia full of Tau. F orth iu the ple11aing Spring
TilT heauty walks, TaT ten•leruei!B und love.
Wiue Bu;,h the neldd; the eofl.eoing air is balm ;
Echo the mouutl\ioa l'ouud; the for~st ~~miles;
And every eeuae and every heArt is j oy.
Then comes TaT glory in the Snmruer mouths,
With light and bent refulgent. Tbeu TsT eun
Shoots full perfection tit rough the swelling year:
And oft TaT voice iu drearlful thunrler spealta,
Aocl oft at cL1wn, deep noon, or fnlliug eve,
By brooke and groves in hollow-whispering gnles.
TRY bounty ehiu~s in Autumn uocoufioed,
Anrl a~reada a common fe~~at for aU thut lives.
In Winter &'fl'ful Tsou I wit-h clouds and storms
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