A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

God of the ligllt and viewleaa air I
Where aummer breezes sweetly Dow,
Or, gaUll'ring in their angry ruigbt,
The fierce and wiut.17 tt>ropeat.B blow ;
All-from the evening's vllliutive eigh,
ThaL hat•dly lifts the drooping Dower,
To the wild whirlwind's ntilluight cry,
Breathe forth the lAnguage ofthy power.

Gorl of the fnir 11nd open sky I
How gloriously above· us spring~~
The tented dome, of heaveuly blue,
Suapentled on the rainbow's riu11a I
Each brilliant atar 1 tltat apnrkles through,
Each gilded clouJ, tb:\t wuutlera free
In evening's purplt= radiance, givea
The beauty of ita prllide to thee.

God of the rolling orbs above I
Thy name il! written clearly bright
In the wnrm dny'a unvarying blau,
Or evening's golden ahower ul Ji~ht.
For .every fire that fronts the eun,
And every spark that w~~.ika alone
.Around the utmoat verge or beave11,
Were kindJ.,d at thy burning throne.
God of the worltJ! The hour rouat come,
And nature's self to do at rell:lrtl;
Her crumbling altnrs runat tleCILy;
Her ineen~~e fire11 shall ceiU'e to born;
But etill her grand an<l lovely eceoee
Han ronde man'e warme~~t proieee fiow;
For beart.a grow holier ae they trace
The beauty oftbe world bdow.

ifaruf Jnmn.

Tim groves were God'a tirst tcmpln. Ere man learn'd
To Lew the shaft, &Jld lay the al'chitrave,
Aud apread the roof aho-ve them,-ere he Cramed
'1 he lofty vault., to g~~thtr and roll back
The aouu•l of antbema; in the d&~·kling wood,
.Amid.et the cool and ailenee, he knelt down,


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