A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


Flam• on tb' Atlantic ialee; 'tia nought to me :
Since Uon ia eYer present, ever felt,
In the void waete lUI in the city full;
And '*here H~r vital brt'&thea there mu11t be joy.
When even at l&~~t the solemn hour ehall co11.1e,
And wiug my mystio ftigbt to future worlds,
I ehePrful will obey ; there with new powers,
Will rising wouclet .. aing. r CftliUOt go
Where UIHVEB8AL LOVE not amilea around,
Su11taining all yon orbe, nnri nil 1 heir auna;
From seeming evilatill educing good,
And better thence again, an• I het!Mr still,
In infinite progreasion. But lloee
Myeeltin Hnr, in LlGBT um:ruBI& I
Come, then, expreuive Silence, muae HIS praise.


Goo oftbe e&rtb'e Pxtended plaine I
The dark, greeu fi,.J,Ja conwnte•l lie;
The mountAins riae lik11 bnly towera,
Where m11n might commune with the sky;
The tall eli.fl' challenges the storm
That lowers upon the vale below,
Where llh:lded fountains eend their etreama
With joyous muaie in their fiow.

God of the dark and heavy deep I
The wavea lie aleepi'lg on the aa.nd.s,
Till the fierce trumpet of the etorm
Hath eummon'd up their thun•lering banda;
Then the white aaila 111'8 daeh'd like foam,
Or hurry trembling o'er the ~~eu,
Till, calm'd by thee, the sinking gale
Serenely breathes, "Depurt in peace."

God of the foreat'a aolemn ahade I
The. grandeur of the lonely tree,
That wrestle• eingly with the gale,
Lif'tA up admiring eyea to thee;
Bat more majeatic f"r they atantl,
When eirle by aide their ranks they form,
To wav., on high their plnmee of green,
And fight their b.tUea with the atorm.
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