A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
l'OKKS 01' Jl.&lQIOlf,

Ring out, ye cryatalepbezoea,
Once blese our human ea.n,
Ifye have power to toueb ou ~ 10,
And let your silver chime
Move in melodioae time;
And let the bue of Henven'a deep organ blow;
And, with your ninefold ba.rm.ony,
Make up full con10rt to the angelic eymplaonJ.

For, i f auoh holy song
Enwrap our f~aey long,
Time will run back 1 and fetch the age of gold ;
And speckled Vanity
Will a•eken soon aild die,
And leprous Sin will melt from earthly m.ollld;
And Bell itaelfwill p&B8 away,
And leave her doloroue mansions to the peering day.
Y~a, Tr-uth &lid Justice then
Will down retum to men,
Orb'd in a t"ainbow; aud, like glories weariJJg,
Mercy willlrit between,
Throned in celestial sheen,
With radiant feet the tissoed clouds do'lnlskering;
And Heaven, as t~.t t~ome festival,
Will open wide the gates of her high pelAce hall •

Jtarl af «htisf, 49 «;np J[bet 6albta I
HuRT or Christ, 0 cup moat golden I
B rimming .nth aalvation'a wine,
Million 10ufs have been beholden
Unto thee for life divine;
Thou art full of blood the )>W'Mt.
Love the tendereat and sureet :
Blood ia life, and life is love;
Ob, wbt wine is there like love I
Heart of Ohriat, 0 cup moat goldeo I
Out of thee the martyr)~ drllllk,
Who for truth in cities oldeo
Spake, nor from the tortureshranlc;
Saved they were from traitor's mea.nneea,
Fill'd with joys of holy keenne•:
Strong are those that drink of of love;
Ob, what wine is there like loYe J
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