A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
J,'OEM!I OJ' ll.ltLlGlO).{,

Heart of Christ, 0 cup most gulden I
To remotest place a.Dd time
Thou for labours wilt em holden
Unpre~uming but enblime:
Hearts are firm, thougL nt>rvee be shaken,
When f'rom thee new life ie taken:
Truth recruitS itself by !on;
Oh, what wine is there like love t

Heart of Christ, 0 cup moat golden J
Tak"ing of thy cordial blest,
Soon the sorrowful a.re folden
I n a gentle healthfu I rest:
Thou anxieties art easing,
P ains implacable 11ppeaeing:
Grief is comfor ted by love;
Oh, what wine is thel'e like lovil l

Hea1t of Christ, 0 cup most golden,
Liberty from thee we win;
We who drink, no more are holden
By the shameful cords of sin;
Pledge of Mercy's sure forgivi:Qg,
Power& for a holy living,-
Tbese, thou cup of love, are thine ;
Love, thou art the mightieat wine I

UP to tbe throne of God ia borne
The voice of praise at early morn,
And he accept& the punctual hymn
Sung u the light of day grows dim.

Nor will he turn his ear uide
From holy offerings at noontide.
Then here reposing let ua rnise
A song of gratitude and praise.


What though our bur then be not light,
We need not t oil from morn to night;
The r espite of the mid-day hour
Is in the th.o.nkful C:reatnre'e power.
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