A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

l 'he world aita at the feet of Ohriat
Unk.uowiug, blind, and unc:on.soled;
It yet shall touch His gannent'a fold,
And feel tbe heavenly AJchemiat
Transform ita very duat to gold.

The theme bent~ angel tongue•
Beyond a mor1Ale aco~ hu grown.
Oh, heart of mine I w1th reYereuce OWil
The fulnea.s whloh to it belonga,
And tTWit the unknown for the known!



Jaunt. of l:mat.

0 Lo:ao Divine! that atoop'd to abare
Our sharpest pang, our bittereat tear,
On thee we cut ench earth-born care,
We smile at pain while Thou art near.

Though long the weruy wny we t11ead,
And sorrow CI'OWD each lingering year;
No path we ahun, no da.ri:neaa dread,
Our h11nrts still whispering, Thou art near!

When droopio~ pleasure turns to grie~
And tremblmg fl\itb is changed to fear,
The murmlll'iug wind, the quivering leaf,
Shall softly tell ua, Thou art near!

On Thee we Jling our burdening woe,
0 Love Divine! for ever dear,
Oonteut to suffer, while we know,
LiYiog aud dying, Thou art ne,ar I


Goo does not need


Either man's wo1·k, or hie own gifta: who beat
Bear hia mild yoke, they aerve him beat. Ria ltate
18 kingly ; thoaaan<U at hia bidding speed,
And post o'er land and ocean without reat:
They a.lao serve who only stand and wait.

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