A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
f'OSIB OW llCJ910'11.

Guilt ahmpee the tetTOr : deep withw
The human heart tile IOCII'et liee
or all tha hideoua deitiee ;
And, painted on a ground of ain,
Tha fabled goda of torment riae I

And what ia HE 1 The ripe grAin nods,
The eo~ dews fall, the aweet flowers 'blow,
But darker signa Ria prseenca abow ;
The earthquake !'flO the 11l.nY'm IU"'A God.'e,
And good and evil iAt.rfiow.

Oh, hearts ortove! Oht soula that tum
Like aun-ftowers to t.be \lure and beat I
To you the truth ia manifeat.;
For they the mind of Chriat diaoern,
Who lean lib John upon bia breast I

In him o! whom the Sibyl told,
For whom the prophet'• hup was toned,
Whose need the aage and :magian own'd,
The loving heart of God behold,
The hope fo r which the agea groan'd!

Fade pomp of dreadful imagery,
Wherewith mankind have deified
Their hate, and ael.fiabnelll, and pride I
Let the scared dreamer wake to aee
The Christ of Nazareth at hia side I

What doth that holy guide require?
No rite of p&.in, nor gill. of blood,
But, man, a ltindly brotherhood,
Looking, where duty ia deaire,
T o Him, t he beautiful and good.

Gone be the faithleuneaa of fear ;
And let the pitying beaTen's eweet rain
WMh out the altar'• hloodyatain,
The law of Hatred disappear,
The la.w of Love alone remain.

Now fAll the idols faae and gTim I
And lo I their hideous wreck above,
The emblems of the Lamb and Dove!
Man turns from God, not God from him,
ADd guilt, in auJrerug, whispera Love 1
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