A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

310 POlnlll OJ' IIXLIGION,

Then shall all ehacldee fall ; the stormy clangour
or wilri Wl\r-musie o'er the el\rlh lhl\U ce&IHI ;
LoYe shall tread out the baleful fire of anger,
And in itll ubes plant the tree ofpoaee!

Tmc secret heart
Ie fair DeYotion'e temple; there the Bllint,
E'en on that living Altar, lights the 11ame
Of purest sacrifice, which bu11111 unseen.
Not unaccepted. ILuorAB Moa&.

To inward sighs of humble penitence
Ri.ee to the ear of Heaven, when pealM hymns
Are ecatter'd with the sounds at common air.
JourtrA BAJ'LLI&.

llanthrg !Jt&otimt.

WHD lint thy eyee unveil, give thy soul leave
To do the like ; our bodies but forerun
The spirit's duty: true hearte apread and heave
Unto their God u !owen do to the sun ;
Give Him thy fint thoughts then, 10 ebAlt thou keep
Him company all day, and in. Him aleep.

ftain anb frauu at «:wu of ~~~·
To Thee, our Creator, our homage we bring,
With deep adoration T hy praisee we sing;
To Thee, our good Father, all loving and wiae 1
With e&rllest devotion our pra.yers would arise.

0 Father of Mercy! be with us to-night,
That our souls may be gle.dden'd and glow in thy light :
ln life and in death may our tru.st be in Thee,
Till .the atrea.m of Time merge in Eternity's ae"a.
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