A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

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POJ!lfot8 o-, ltZUGIOlf.

5lmt~ Ire tw ~ll'IIU f11t '&~

BLB88l!.D be thy D&m& for ever,
Thou of life the guard and giver I
Thou caust gullol'd thy orea.turea-aleepi.ng,
Heal the heart long broke with wee~.
God of stillness and of motion,
or the desert and the ocean,
Of the mountain, rock. and river,
Blessed be thy name for everJ
Thou who slumbereat·not nor aleepeet,
Blest are they thou kindly keepee~
God of nening^1 s ·pa.rting ra.y,
Of midnight's gloom, and dawning day,
That rises from the alml'9 aea,
Like breathin.ga of eternity.


God of life I that fade shall newer,
Blessed be thy name for ever I

W RERB will they stop, thoee breathing Po wen~,
Tbe Spirita of the•new·born fiowen I
They wander with the breeze, they wind
Where'er tbe stte~UQ.B a passage find ;
Up from their native IP'ound they rise
In mute aerial barmon1ea;
From humble violet-modest thyme-
Exhaled, the essential odours climb,
Ae if no space below the sky
Their subtle flight could satisfy:
Hsaven will not tax our tboughta with pride
If like ambition be their guide.

Roused by thia 'kindlieat of May-ehowen,
The spirit-quiokener of the fiowen,
That with moist viitue softly cleaves
The bude, and freshens the youn~ leaves,
The hirda -pour forth their aoula JD notee
Of raptore from a·thouaand throate-
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