A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

au roJal.!l or ..uoro!f.

Here chec&'d by too impet.uoua hute,
Wbile there the muaie rana to ~te,
With bounty more and more enlarged,
Till the whole air ia overcharged ;
Gin ear, 0 Man I to their appeal,
And thint for no inferior seal,
Thou, who e&D8t tllinl:, AI weli u feet

'Mount from the earth; upire I upire I
So pleada the town's Cl\t.bedr&l quiNI 1
lA etraina thAt from their eolemn he1ght
Sink, to attain a loftier ffight;
Wbile incenee from the altar breatbta
Rich fragrance in embodied wreaths;
Or, 1lung from awinging eelll6r, ehrouda
Tbe taper-Hghte, and carla in clouda
Around angelic Forma, the .till
Creation of the painter'• alcilJ,
That on the service wait conceal'd
One moment, and the next reveal'd.
-cast off your bonda, awake, arlee,
And for no tra.naient eeetaaieal
Wbl\t elee cau me&U the vitu&l plea
Of still or moving imagery-
The iterated 11nmmoneloud,
Not wuted on the attendant crowd,
Nor wholly loet upon the throng
Hurrying the busy etreeta along 1

Alu I the ea.nctitiee combined
By art to uneenau!Lliae tht mind,
Decay and languish; or, AI creede
And humoun change, are epurn'd like weerte:
The pri1111te are (rom their a.ltare t.hruat;
Temple• are le..-ell'd with the d111t;
And eolemo rites and awful forme
Founder amid fanatic .tonne.
Yet evermore, thron~h yean reoew'd
In undilturb'd viciu1tude
or 18U01la balancing their 1llgh'
On the ewi~ wings or day and night,
Kind Nature keepe a hea~enly door
Wide open for the ecatter'd Poor.
Where ftowez-.breathed incense to the Wf! t
Ia ~ in mute ha.rmouiea;
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