A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Itt POSil& OJ' BJ:LlOtOJI.

Toueh'd with divine compuaion, 0 may ••
Be merciful !-far we pray for mercy.
0 may we grow in ever widening love,
Our llear~'a deep qmpathy emhraciag all,
E'en u the circling ooean of Thy love I
A.ud u Thou fill'at the ..... OI'M 'lfi~ wonss ot'j~
From inaeot and angel, bird 'Aild ~etapht
0 make moat muaical our IIOUls, ~at we,
In aweet aoeord, may minor forth the~~
And joy, and typal ha.rmoniM of Hea. v n.

  • SacmTE&.

To dew ia on the ~mmer'a greent!!lt grus,
Through which the mod .. t .da.l.ay blaahing peeps i
The gentle wind that like a gb.OIIt.doth -paaa,
A waving ehadow on the cornfield lteepa;
But I, who love them &U, ahall never be
Again ·among the woods, or on ithe moor.Jand 'lea.·!

The aun ahinee aweetly-'fi'Weeter ma-y it ahine 1-
Bl8118'd ia the br\ghtneas of a aummer day;
Jt cheers lone hearts ; and why should I .repine,
Although among green fielde r cannot stray 1
Woods! I have grown, since last r heard you WAVe,
Familiar with dea.th, and neighbour to the grave t

These words have shaken mighty human soul.a-
Like 11. sepulchre'• echo drear they aonnd-
E'en u the owl'• wild whoop at midnight rolla
The ivied remnants of old ruina round.
Yet wherefore tremble I Ca.n·tbe aoul·decsy't-
Or that which thinks 'And feels in aught e'er tade away t

Are there not upirations in eaeh hesrt
After a b11tt.er, brighter world than tllis f
Longings for beings nobler in eaeb part-
Things more eulted-ateep'd in aaeper bliss.f
Who gave ue thMe t What are they t Soul, in thee
The bud ie budding now !or immortality I

~C Ia "'PPOMd to ba~ bee Ul.e Jut, or amour ~ latt, or :!Ooolta

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