A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Death comes to take me where I long to be :
One pang, 1\nd bright blooma the immortal !ower ;
Death comea to lead me from mortality,
To Wide which know not one unhappy hour:-
I hne ~ h ope, a faith ;-from aonow here
I'm led by Deat.h away-why ahould I atar.t and fear I

If I have loved the forest and the field,
C,.n I not love .them deeper, better, t.here 1
It aU th~t P ower hath ma.de, to 1M doth yleld
Bomethiui of good and beauty-.omel.hing fait·-
Freed from the grossneae of mortality, ·
Mo.y I not love them &11, and better all enjoy t

A. change from WQ8 to jo7.-lrom earth to heaven,
Death gives me thi.a-tt leads we calmly whero
'l'be eonla that long ago from mine were ri-ven
May meet again I Death aJJewers many & prayer.
Bright day! shine on-be glad :-Daye brighter far

. Are etretch'd before my eyea than tboee or mortal• are!

Tue then, 0 Death I and bear away
Whatever thou canet c&1l thine own ;
Thine im~e, etamp'd upon thia d-ay,
Doth give thee that-but t.hat alone I

Take them, 0 Gmve I and let them lie
}' olded, upon thy narrow ebelvea,
A.a garments by the soul la.id bJ,
.And precious ouly to ounel-veel

Take them, 0 great Eternity I
Our lltt.le life is but a guat,
That benda the branches of thy tree,
A.ud tnila ita bl088oma in t.li.e dust.
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