worktoreducecholesterollevelsbycontributingtocholesterolmetabolismandutilization. 250 Since
friendlybacteriacontinuallydieoff,theyneedtobeconstantlyreplenished. 251 Unprocessed(raw)
probiotics should be considered in the following situations:
After treatment with antibiotics – use for 14 days
If one travels frequently (domestic and international);
If one has a history of cancer, high cholesterol, or heart disease;
If one is under emotional and/or physical stress;
If one frequently experiences constipation or diarrhea;
If one is lactoseintolerant, using dairy products;
If one is inactive;
If one has an unhealthy diet;
If one is exposed to Pathogens in the food, water, or air
Changein diet
The Limitations of the Scientific Method: Another Reason for the Fail-
ure of Medical Science