PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Leaves, Stem and Root: This herbaceous perennial grows up
to 45 cm high with leaves that are arranged in a basal rosette.
The leaves are 6.5 to 13 cm long, have a cuneiform
broadened petiole and an orbicular lamina with 2 sides
forming a trap. The leaf sides have 15 to 20 stiff bristles on
the edge and 3 sensitive bristles on the surface. The nectar
glands are on the periphery and the digestive glands toward
the center. When the sensitive bristles are stimulated, the
lamina halves snap shut and the bristles on the edge lock
together. Digestion of the trapped insect takes approximately
6 days after which the trap slowly opens again. There are
only adventitious roots on the fully grown plant.

Characteristics: The plant is carnivorous.

Habitat: Dionaea muscipula is native to North America.

Production: Venus flytrap herb is the whole fresh, aerial
plant of Dionaea muscipula, which is harvested shortly
before the flowering season and processed immediately.

Naphthalene derivatives: napthoquinones, including hydro-
pIumbagin-4-O-beta-glucoside, (0.6%), plumbagin (0.2%)

Flavonoids: including quercetin-3-O-galactoside, quercetin-
3-O-glucoside, kaempferol-3-O-galactoside, kaempferol-3-

Phenol carboxylic acids: glucosides of gallic acid, ellagic
acid, 3-O-methyl-ellagic acid and 3,3-dimethyl ellagic acid

Enzymes (in the secretions of the digestive glands): prote-
ases, phosphatases, nucleases

The pressed fresh plant (chief active ingredient plumbagin)
is immunostimulating, antineoplastic and spasmogenic due
to the lysophosphatidinic acid component.

Unproven Uses: The drug extracted from the plant is used
chiefly in the treatment of malignant conditions such as
tumors in advanced stages (mammary carcinoma, bladder
carcinoma, prostate carcinoma and osteosarcoma) and also
for hematological systemic conditions (such as Hodgkin and
non-Hodgkin lymphoma) as well as solid tumors.

Parenteral administration of medicinal preparations made
from the fresh plant led to elevated body temperature, chills
and circulatory damage. Circulatory collapse, possibly as a
result of contamination with endotoxins is possible. Skin
contact with the fresh plant may cause irritation.


Mode of Administration: Preparations of the pressed juice
have been administered orally, by inhalation and

How Supplied: Availability of the pressed juice of the fresh
plant in two commercial preparations was halted in 1986.

Daily Dosage: Juice from the fresh plant used orally and as
an inhalant: 50 to 60 drops 5 times daily p.o.: 25 drops with
1 ml physiological NaCl in a cold atomizer. Injection
solution: initial dose is 2 ml ampule daily for 14 days.
Maintenance dose: 1 ampule every second to third day I.M.

Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J. Rimpler G.
Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen
Praxis. Folgebande 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin.
Heidelberg 1998.

Veratrum album

See White Hellebore

Veratrum luteum

See False Unicorn Root

Veratrum viride

See American Hellebore

Verbascum densiflorum

See Mullein

Verbena officinalis

See Vervain

Beccabunga G-6,

See Brooklime

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