PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Veronica officinalis

See Speedwell


Verbena officinalis
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried aerial
parts collected during the flowering season, the fresh,
flowering herb, the flowers and the whole fresh plant.
Flower and Fruit: The small flowers are pale lilac and
arranged in thin paniculate spikes. The calyx is fused to a
short, 5-tipped tube. The corolla has a 5-tipped, bent tube
and a bilabiate margin. The mouth of the tube is closed by a
cross of hairs. There are 4 stamens and 1 ovary, which
breaks up into four, 1-seeded mericarps. These are oblong-
cylindrical, 1.5 to 2 mm long, warty on the inside,
reticulately grooved and light brown on the outside. The
seeds are grooved on the inside and have very little
Leaves, Stem and Root: The true variety is an annual or
biennial to perennial with a fusiform, branched, whitish root.
The stem is erect, rigid, quadrangular and branched above.
The leaves are opposite, dull green, ovate-oblong and have a
short broad petiole. They are deeply divided in 3 with
notched, crenate tips. They are wrinkled and roughly
Habitat: The plant is probably indigenous to the Mediterra-
nean region. It is cultivated worldwide, but mainly in eastern
Production: Verbena herb consists of the above-ground parts
of Verbena officinalis. The herb is predominantly cultivated
in eastern Europe. It is collected in the wild and harvested in
southeastern Europe. After being cut, the drug is hung in
bunches to dry.

Note: Improper drying leads to hydroiytic decomposition of
Not to be Confused With: Lippiae triphyllae folium
Other Names: Enchanter's Plant, Herb of the Cross, Juno's
Tears, Pigeon's Grass, Pigeonweed, Simpler's Joy, Herb of

Iridoide monoterpenes (0.2-0.5%): including among others
verbenalin (cornin, 0.15%), hastatoside (0.08%), dihydro-
verbenalin (0.01%)


Flavonoids: including among others luteolin, scutellarin and
6-hydroxy-luteolin glycosides, artemitin, sorbifolin, pedali-
tin, nepetin (eupafolin)

Caffeic acid derivatives: verbascoside 0.8%), eucovoside,

The amaroid-Iike affect of the iridoid glycosides explains its
use as an astringent. The drug is weakly anti-edemic,
analgesic, cytotoxic and antitumoral. The verbenalin has
antitussive, secretolytic, and lactation-promoting properties.
Unproven Uses: Preparations of Vervain are used for
diseases and ailments of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa,
such as sore throat, and for diseases of the respiratory tract,
such as coughs, asthma and whooping cough.

In addition, the drug is used internally for pain, cramps,
fatigue, nervous disorders, digestive disorders, liver and
gallbladder diseases, jaundice, kidney and urinary tract
complaints, menopausal complaints and irregular menstrua-
tion. It is also used to promote lactation and to treat
rheumatic diseases, gout, metabolic disorders, chlorosis and
edema. The drug is used externally as a gargle for cold
symptoms and for diseases of the oral and pharyngeal cavity.

Vervain is also used for antipruritic treatment of skin
diseases and minor topical burns (in France) and for arthritis,
rheumatism, dislocations and contusions.

Chinese Medicine: The herb is used for edema, chronic
malaria, dysmenorrhea and carbuncles.
Homeopathic Uses: The herb is used for bruising and
cerebral convulsions. ^
Vervain should not be used during pregnancy.
No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic
Mode of Administration: Vervain is available as whole, cut
and powdered drug for internal and external use.
Preparation: The ratio for the liquid extract is I.T in 25%
ethanol; the tincture should be mixed with 40% ethanol. An
infusion is prepared by adding 5 to 20 gm drug to 1 liter
Daily Dosage: For the liquid extract, take 2 to 4 ml daily.
For the tincture, take 5 to 10 ml up to 3 times per day. For
the infusion, take 2 to 4 gm up to 3 times per day.
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