PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Chinese Medicine Dosage: The daily dose is 4.5 to 9 gm of
the drug.
Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10
globules 1 to 3 times daily; parenterally: 1 ml injection
M solution sc twice weekly (HAB34).
Storage: Vervain must be stored in a dry environment to
avoid hydrolytic decomposition of verbenalin.
Carnat A et aL, PM 61:490. 1995.
Inouye H et al., (1974) Planta Med 25:285.
Mcllroy RJ, In: The Plant Glycosides, Arnold. London 1951.
Reynaud J et al., Pharm Acta Helv 67:216. 1992.
Weber R, Dissertation Marburg. 1995.
Yip L, Pei S, Hudson JB, Towers GHN. Screening of
medicinal plants from Yunnan Province in southwest China for
antiviral activity. In: ETH 34:1-6. 1991.
Further information in:
Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers
Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aurl, Bde 4-6
(Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992-

4F Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3.
Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979.
Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und
pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag. Stuttgart, Jena, New
York 1995.
Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen. 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
Stuttgart 1997.

Viburnum prunifolium

See Black Haw

Vicia faba

See Broad Bean

Vinca minor

See Periwinkle

Viola odorata

See Sweet Violet


Viola tricolor

See Heartsease


Virola theiodora
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the bark.
Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in panicles. The male
inflorescence has numerous flowers and is brown, gold-
yellow and pubescent. The female flowers are either single
or in clusters of 2 to 10 flowers. They are fused and have 3 to
5 stamens. The ovary develops from only 1 carpel with 1
ovule. The fruit is orbicular-oval, 10 to 20 mm long and 8 to
15'mm wide.
Leaves, Stem and Root: Virola theiodora is a diclinous tree
that grows up to 23 m high. The leaves are alternate, 9 to 35
cm long and 4 to 12 cm wide; the lamina is simple, elongate
to wide oval, acute, entire and paper-like. The trunk is
approximately 0.5 m thick and cylindrical with a smooth,
brown-speckled bark with gray spots.

Characteristics: The flowers have sharply astringent

Habitat: Amazon region
Production: Virola bark is the dried bark of Virola theiodora.

There are various methods of production. Either the bark is
scraped off, dried over a fire and powdered, or the outer bark
is peeled off before sunrise and the inner bark with the resin
is scraped off and cooked to a syrup. The syrup is pulverized
after drying in the sun.
Tryptamine derivatives: particularly N,N-dimethyl trypt-
amine, 5-methoxy-NN-dimethyl tryptamine (5-MeO-DMT)

Due to its psychotropic and narcotic-hallucinogenic charac-
teristics (tryptamine alkaloids), the drug is chiefly used in the
form of a snuff powder in connection with ritual and
religious ceremonies. The resin is also administered topically
to yeast infections of the skin and for the promotion of the
healing of wounds.
Unproven Uses: Virola is used for skin disease and fungal
skin diseases, to speed the healing of wounds, and to clean
infected wounds (South America).
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