PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

thujon acting as the principal ingredient, along with contain-
ing podophyllotoxin and other lignans.

A diuretic effect has been described for the essential oil and
the drug is also said to be emmenagogic and hemostyptic.

The use of the drug on viral warts seems justified because of
the podophyllotoxin content.

Unproven Uses: For external use only, in the treatment of fig

Homeopathic Uses: Juniperus sabina is used for metrorrha-
gia, gout, inflammation of the urogenital tract, rheumatism
and warts.

The drug is severely toxic. External administration, in
particular of the volatile oil, can lead to severe skin irritation,
blister formation, necroses and resorbent poisonings.

One is cautioned against internal administration of the drug
and of the volatile oil. Fatal poisonings have occurred
repeatedly following administration of the drug in either
powder form or infusion as an abortient. Symptoms include,
among others, queasiness, cardiac rhythm disorders, spasm,
kidney damage and hematuria. Death finds the patient in a
state of central paralysis and deep unconsciousness. The
internal administration of 6 drops of the volatile oil is life-
threatening for humans.

Following gastrointestinal emptying, (inducement of vomit-
ing, gastric lavage, sodium sulfate) and instillation of
activated charcoal, the therapy for poisonings consists of
treating spasms with diazepam (I.V.), colic with atropine,
electrolyte substitution and treating possible cases of acidosis
with sodium bicarbonate infusions. Monitoring of kidney
function, blood coagulation and liver values is essential.
Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary.
The level of danger depends upon the age of the drug of the
volatile oil, as the toxicity probably develops chiefly through
the formation of terpene peroxides during storage. The fresh
tips of the branches contain presumably very little toxicity.

Mode of Administration: For external use, as a powdered
drug. Internal application is obsolete because of the danger
of intoxication.

Daily Dosage: maximum 1 gm externally.

Savin Tops powder - Powder twice daily, put bandages into
the folds of skin.

Skin ointment - Average content: 50% drug.

Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every
30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic);
parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once
a day (HAB1).
Feliciano AS, Del Corral JMM, Gordaliza M, Castro A, Acid
and phenolic lignans from Juniperus sabina. In: PH 30: 3483-

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Saw Palmetto
Serenoa repens
Saw Palmetto (available from numerous manafacturers), Saw
Palmetto Berries, Saw Palmetto Standardized, Centrum Saw
Palmetto, Proactive Saw Palmetto, Standardized Saw Pal-
metto ExtractCap, Saw Palmetto Extract, Saw Palmetto
Power, Premium Blend. Saw Palmetto, Herbal Sure Saw
Palmetto, Quanterra Prostate, Super Saw Palmetto Plus
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the partially dried
ripe fruit, the ripe fresh fruit and the ripe dried fruit.
Flower and Fruit: The inconspicuous cream flowers are in
short, densely pubescent, paniculately branched inflores-
cences. The fruit is deep purple to almost black. It is an
ovate, 3 cm long, 1-seeded berry. It has a hard but fragile
pericarp that covers a pale brown, spongy pulp. The
endocarp is thin and papery. The fruit is slightly wrinkled,
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