PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

inhibitor and an 81% decrease of the extrapolated 8-hour
indinavir trough value. The authors concluded that a
reduction of this magnitude could lead to development of
drug resistance and treatment failure (Piscitelli, et al., 2000).
Clinicians are warned that St. John's Wort may significantly
affect plasma concentrations of any drug that is metabolized
by the cytochrome P450 system.

Ethinyloestradiol and desogestrel (combined oral contracep-
tive) — Breakthrough bleeding has occurred with concomi-
tant use of St. John's Wort (Bon, 1999).

Hypericin causes a reduction in barbiturate-induced sleeping
times (Ozturk, 1992).

Theophylline — The herb has decreased theophylline levels
on a patient stabilized on theophylline therapy (Nebel, 1999).

Co-administration of St. John's Wort extract (LI 160) with
digoxin resulted in a significant decrease in digoxin Grough,
AUC (0-24), and Cmax values compared to placebo. There-
fore, St. John's Wort may reduce efficacy of digoxin and
make a patient a nonresponder, whereas increased toxicity
may be anticipated after withdrawal of the herb (Andreas,
1999). ... -

St. John's Wort (600-900 mg/day) taken concomitantly with
sertraline (50-75 mg/day) after 2 to 4 days, resulted in a
presumed serotonin syndrome consisting of dizziness, nau-
sea, vomiting, headache, epigastric pain, anxiety, confusion,
and/or feelings of restlessness and irritability. Cyprohepta-
dine was used to reverse the symptoms and after discontinua-
tion of the herb-drug therapy, all symptoms resolved (Lantz,

Nefazadine (100 mg BID) and St. John's Wort (300 mg TID)
taken simutaneously resulted in nausea, vomiting and
restlessness after 3 days of therapy. The symptoms improved
after stopping the nefazadine and continuing with St. John's
Wort (Lantz, 1999).

Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug, herb powder,
liquid and solid preparations for internal use; liquid and
semi-solid preparations for external use; preparations made
with fatty oils for external and internal use.

How Supplied:

Capsules—(standardized at 0.3% hypericin) 125mg, 150mg,
250mg, 300mg, 350mg, 370mg, 375mg, 400mg, 424mg,
434mg, 450mg, 500mg, 510mg

Capsules, Extended Release—(standardized at 0.3% hyperi-
cin) 450mg, 900mg, lOOOmg

Dried Herb



Liquid—300 mg/5ml, 250 mg/ml

Liquid Dilutions—3x, 6x, 30x,12c, 30c

Pellets—3x, 6x, 12x, 12c, 30c

Tablets—(standardized at 0.3% hypericin) lOOmg, 150mg,
300mg, 450mg


Transdermal—900mg/24hr ' :-

Preparation: To prepare an infusion, use 2 teaspoonfuls of
drug in 150 ml boiling water and steep for 10 minutes.

Daily Dosage: In general, a range of 200 to 1000 micro-
grams/day of hypericin is recommended for treatment of
depression (Anon, 1996). Total hypericin concentrations of
Hypericum extracts may vary widely, therefore caution
should be taken in determining dosage (Fachinfo Helarium
Hypericum, 1996; Fachinfo Remotiv, 1996; Hansgen, 1993;
-Schmidt & Sommer, 1993; Vorbach, 1994; Woelk, 1994). -

For depressive moods, it is recommended the herb be
administered for the duration of 4 to 6 weeks; if no
improvement is apparent, a different therapy should be


Capsules/tablets — 300 mg of the standardized extract
should be administered three times daily (Clausson &
Muller, 1997; Fachinfo Helarium Hypericum, 1996).

Dried herb — 2 to 4 grams taken 3 times daily (Fachinfo
Helarium Hypericum, 1996; Fachinfo Remotiv, 1996; Hans-
gen, 1993; Schmidt & Sommer, 1993; Vorbach, 1994;
Woelk, 1994).

Tea — St. John's Wort as a tea is the traditional method of
administration, with a single dose of 2-3 grams dried herb
placed in boiling water. If dried herb of 2 grams is used, and
the dried herb to extract ratio is 6, a usual dose of the extract .-
would be 300 milligrams (Schultz, 1997).

Liquid extract 1:1 in 25% ethanol — 2 to 4 milliliters taken 3
times daily (Fachinfo Helarium Hypericum, 1996; Fachinfo *
Remotiv, 1996; Haensgen, 1993; Schmidt & Sommer, 1993;
Vorbach, 1994; Woelk, 1994).

Tincture: (1:10) in 45% ethanol — 2 to 4 milliliters, 3 times
a day (Fachinfo Helarium Hypericum, 1996; Fachinfo
Remotiv, 1996; Hansgen, 1993; Schmidt & Sommer, 1993;
Vorbach, 1994; Woelk, 1994).
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