"Is the volcanic energy used for heat as well?"
"Yes, the volcanoes contain a great deal of thermal
energy, which we use to maintain healthy temperatures.
Since we have no rivers or oceans, and extreme
temperatures, we have no animals on our planet, only
mineral, vegetable and human forms of life. In our world
we've adapted to this; we don't need animals for food.
Besides, eating and absorbing the ananas and anionites
of animals puts micro-organisms into our systems,
creating toxins in the body. That's where you earth
inhabitants get your common cold and other illnesses."
"I've heard about this; it's the vegetarian philosophy
and basis for their lifestyle. This is hot stuff. Tell me
more. What about your cities? Do you have large cities?"
"No, nothing at all like your big cities. We don't use
such methods of construction, and our materials are
different. We have lots of seismic movement. Earth
quakes are natural in a place where there is so much
volcanic activity. You people make your cities grow
towards the sky. We go several levels underneath. Our
structures are in cylindrical form, with one main shaft
onto which other cylindrical structures can be interfaced
if expansion is required. The additional cylinders are
clustered around the main shaft and are connected to it.
These underground buildings also function to modify
the seismic activity of our world."
"What about government? What is your economy
like? Who rules?"
"I know what you mean, but give me a more specific
"Well, do you have countries?"
"No, we have no boundaries on Ganymede. It's
enough to tell you that we need no armies or police. I
spoke of this before, so I won't elaborate except to say
that it would be useless to have policemen or armies
when everybody knows what everybody else is thinking,