(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The Education of a Believer 165

"Right. What about religion?"
"Religion on our planet is, in essence, the same
doctrine of love and brotherhood taught some two
thousand years ago by a man named Jesus Christ. He
was someone very special, a guide. We're going to talk
about him more, but not right now. Let's leave him for
later when we make a link with Jesus as someone from
far away, from another world."
"Aren't you going a bit too far with this? Can you
imagine me telling my future readers, that Jesus Christ
got out of a UFO? No way!"
"You're so screwed up with this Jesus concept that
every time you even hear the name mentioned, your
adrenalin rises. Let's be peaceful about all this. I'm asking
you to give it a fair chance, just as you did with the idea of
Remember when Jesus said, 'My kingdom is not of
this earth'? We're going to study that phrase. What I'm
trying to tell you now is that in our world we practice the
same teachings as the early Christians. I wouldn't call
that religion, because we don't go to church and pray to
idols, or to a tortured man on a cross. We act. We are
love; we feel it, sense it, breathe it. This is the funda­
mental basis of our religion; it's more or less a state of
We do have our spiritual guides, those who take care
of our spiritual guidance in space. Remember in Catholic
school, when you learned about the saints?"
I nodded affirmatively.
"Here in Latin America, Mexico, Spain and Italy,
devotion is instilled concerning patron saints. It's a
custom, a tradition, to believe that each person has his or
her own patron saint, remember?"
"Yes, I remember, like St. Jude, the pa tron saint of the
"Right. A guide in the universe. People think of him

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