(やまだぃちぅ) #1
My First UFOs 25

seeing their shadows on the ground as they hovered
above. I never thought I would be one of those people
who see "them flying saucers."
It dawned on me that the girl had never told me her
name nor where she came from. I knew nothing about
her, yet we were supposed to have an open-minded
conversation the next day.
When I arrived in Huancayo, I drove around the
downtown area, stopping at several places, trying to find
a Bible. I hit two bookstores. One was closed, the other
didn't carry Bibles.
I went to Richard's apartment. As soon as he saw me,
he told me he had lined up the two American girls for a
date that night. I accepted the invitation appreciatively,
providing he helped me find a Bible first. I'll never forget
the look on his face. He said he thought something was
wrong with me-first coming to Huancayo alone, then
this nonsense about finding a Bible on a Saturday
evening just before a date.
Since I didn't think the real reason would improve
Richard's opinion about my state of mind, I made up a
plausible reason why I wanted the Bible. He suggested
we go see one of the local priests and try to borrow a
The priest was warm and pleasant, but he wa s
unwilling to lend us his Bible, even though there were
several in the back room of the church where he received
us. I tried persuasion, pleasant manners, charm, bribery.
All to no avail. The priest wouldn't release one book. He
excused himself, saying he was about to perform a
religious ceremony. While he was getting into his ritual
clothes, I put one of the Bibles under my heavy jacket.
When he returned, we thanked him very kindly for his
time and made our getaway as smoothly as possible with
the contraband Bible.
Later that evening, Richard and I went out to dinner

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