Virtual Typography

(coco) #1



Job:01212 Title: Basics typography (AVA)
2nd Proof Page:58

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Typography, information and communication: 3.1 Communicative stages
3.2 The perception of time-based information

Posters – Reza Abedini
These posters designed by Reza Abedini (from Iran), show
typographic information written in Farsi. A viewer unfamiliar
with Middle-Eastern languages is bound to get stuck during
the recognition stage of the perception process. Classifying
the information as typographic is impossible without knowing
the typographic origin of the signs used. But even readers
of Iranian origin tend to be puzzled by Abedini’s typographic
creations. One needs to spend extra time searching for the
text within the arrangement of linguistic symbols. Thus the
reading phase is deliberately delayed to allow for a moment
of aesthetic contemplation.

The fi rst poster (above left) illustrates the intertwined names
of Mehran Mohajer (a photographer) and Abedini himself.
This poster was designed to advertise a joint exhibition of
both lecturers.

The second poster (above right) announces a lecture that
Abedini held in front of an audience of 400 designers at his
home in 2003. The dark type in the background refl ects his
large audience. The highlighted type shown slightly off-
centre represents Abedini speaking on stage.

Communicative stages

Job:01212 Title: Basics typography (AVA)
2nd Proof Page:58

001-184 01212_C1.indd 58001-184 01212_C1.indd 58 1/16/09 11:42:45 AM1/16/09 11:42:45 AM

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