Exhibit 6-16. Technician Competency Evaluation Form
Quality Control
Technician Competency Evaluation Form
Technician Name: ____ Stand Number: ___
Cooper Institute Examiner Name: ____ Date: ___
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Introduction to Component
Greets SP and brings into treadmill room
Provides brief overview of treadmill component
Scans SP identification number into system
Obtaining Weight and Height Measurement
Position SP on the weight scale and instruct SP to stand still prior to
taking weight measurement
Position SP on the stadiometer and instruct SP to inhale prior to
taking height measurement
Enters answers correctly into system
Determination of PAR Code
Reads questions clearly and quickly
Encourages SP to answer questions quickly
Enters answers correctly into system
Check Appropriate Footwear
No heels, cleats, or dress shoes
Shoes tied securely
Preparation of Skin and Placement of Electrodes
Correctly identifies electrode sites
Thoroughly wipes each site with alcohol swab
Lightly abrades skin at each site (6-10 swipes)
Applies electrode at each site and presses firmly
Clips RA, LA, RL, and LL wires to appropriate electrodes
Blood Pressure Cuff Placement
Selects appropriately sized cuff
Palpates for brachial artery
Places cuff 1 inch (2-3 cm) above antecubital space
Places cuff so that 2 microphones are directly over brachial artery
Cuff placed snugly, no slipping