Principles of Food Sanitation

(ff) #1

Processed Products Packaging Area


  1. Dismantle all equipment, placing the
    parts on a table or rack.

  2. Remove large debris from equipment
    and floors and place in a receptacle.

  3. Cover packaging equipment, motors,
    outlets, scales, controls, and other
    equipment with plastic film.

  4. Prerinse all soiled surfaces with 55ºC
    water to remove heavy debris and to
    soak exposed surfaces. Hoses should
    be guided to force all debris toward
    the closest floor drain.

  5. Apply an alkaline cleaner through cen-
    tralized or portable foam cleaning
    equipment, using 50 to 55ºC water.
    Cleaning compound application must
    cover the entire area equipment, floors,
    walls, and doors.

  6. Rinse the area and equipment within
    20 to 25 minutes after application of
    the cleaning compound, using the
    same pattern of movement as used
    when applying the cleaner.

  7. Inspect the area and all equipment.
    Touch up as needed.

  8. Remove, clean, and replace drain

  9. Sanitize all clean equipment with an
    organic sanitizer using a centralized or
    portable sanitizing unit.

  10. Apply white edible oil only to surfaces
    subject to rust or corrosion.

  11. Avoid contamination during mainte-
    nance as described previously.

Brine Curing and packaging Area


  1. Pick up all large debris and place in a
    2. Cover all electrical connections, scales,
    and exposed product with plastic
    3. Prerinse the area and all equipment
    with 55ºC water.
    4. Place an acid cleaner in the shrink
    tunnel (if used), and circulate for ca.
    30 minutes during prerinsing.
    5. Rinse shrink tunnel (if present) before
    detergent application.
    6. Place all prerinse debris in a receptacle.
    7. Apply an alkaline cleaner through a
    foam or slurry cleaning system, using
    50 to 55ºC water.
    8. Rinse with 55ºC water within 20 min-
    utes after detergent application.
    9. Inspect the area and equipment and
    touch up as needed.

  2. Remove, clean, and replace drain covers.

  3. Sanitize all clean equipment with an
    organic sanitizer applied through a
    centralized or portable system.

  4. Apply white edible oil only to those
    parts subject to rust or corrosion.

  5. Avoid contamination during mainte-
    nance as described previously.

Dry Curing Areas (Curing, Equalization,
and Aging)^1
FREQUENCYAfter product input, and
at the end of designated cure or equalization

  1. Sweep floors.

  2. Remove pallets and other portable stor-
    age equipment, to rinse away cure gran-
    ules and other debris with 50ºC water.

  3. Hose down vacated areas with 50ºC

  4. Clean trolleys, trees, and other metal
    equipment used, as outlined for wire
    pallets and metal containers or trolleys.

Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 319

(^1) To reduce mold growth, filtered air or air conditioning
with a filter is recommended for aging rooms.

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