Principles of Food Sanitation

(ff) #1

performed twice a week during winter
months and daily during the summer.

Processed Products Area


  1. Dismantle all equipment and place the
    parts on a table or rack. Disconnect
    all stuffing pipes.

  2. Pick up all large pieces of meat and
    other extraneous matter and deposit
    in a receptacle.

  3. Cover all electrical connections with

  4. Prerinse all soiled surfaces with 55ºC
    water. Start at the top of all processing
    equipment, and direct all extraneous
    matter down to the floor. Avoid direct
    hosing of motors, outlets, and electri-
    cal cables.

  5. Following wash-down and subsequent
    heavy soil removal, apply an alkaline
    cleaner through a centralized or
    portable high-pressure, low-volume sys-
    tem, using 50 to 55ºC water. The system
    should effectively reach all framework,
    tables, other equipment undersides, and
    other difficult-to-reach areas. Soak time
    prior to rinse-down should be 5 to 20
    minutes. Although foam is less effective
    in penetration, it is a viable cleaning
    medium and is easily applied.

  6. Rinse all equipment within 20 to 25
    minutes after cleaning compound
    application. Using the same prerinse
    pattern as with the prerinse and deter-
    gent application, spray 50 to 55ºC
    water on one side of each piece of pro-
    cessing equipment at a time.

  7. Thoroughly inspect all equipment
    surfaces and touch up as necessary.

  8. Apply an organic sanitizer to all clean
    equipment with a centralized or
    portable sanitizing unit.
    9. Remove, clean, and replace drain

  9. Apply white edible oil only to surfaces
    subject to rust or corrosion.

  10. Avoid contamination during mainte-
    nance as described previously.

Fresh Product Processing Areas

  1. Dismantle all equipment, and place
    the parts on a table or rack. Discon-
    nect all stuffing pipes.

  2. Remove large debris from equipment
    and floor and deposit it in a receptacle.

  3. Cover mixer and packaging equip-
    ment with plastic.

  4. Briefly prerinse all soiled surfaces with
    50 to 55ºC water to remove heavy
    debris and to soak exposed surfaces.
    Guide hoses to force all debris toward
    the closest floor drain.

  5. Apply an alkaline cleaner through
    centralized or portable high-pressure,
    low-volume cleaning equipment,
    using 50 to 55ºC water. Foam, gel, or
    slurry may be incorporated to intro-
    duce the cleaning compound. Clean-
    ing compound application must cover
    the entire area equipment, floors,
    walls, and doors.

  6. Rinse the area and equipment within
    20 to 25 minutes after cleaning com-
    pound application.

  7. Inspect the area and all equipment.
    Touch up as needed.

  8. Remove, clean, and replace drain covers.

  9. Sanitize all clean equipment with an
    organic sanitizer using a centralized or
    portable sanitizing unit.

  10. Apply white edible oil only to surfaces
    subject to rust or corrosion.

  11. Avoid contamination during mainte-
    nance as described previously.


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