Thermodynamics and Chemistry

(Kiana) #1


of an ideal gas, 180
dissociation, of a hydrate, 437
internal, 165 , 165 – 166 , 168
in a liquid droplet, 197
measurement of, 38 – 40
negative, 166 n
partial, 239
standard, 39 , 181 , 274 , 359 p, 467 p
sublimation, 203
vapor,seeVapor pressure
Pressure factor, 271 , 272 – 274
of an electrolyte solute, 292
of an ion, 288
of a symmetrical electrolyte, 290
Pressure–volume diagram, 77
Process, 50
adiabatic, 51 , 57 , 95 , 128
chemical, 302
subscript for, 477
compression, 51
cyclic, 52
dilution, 324
expansion, 51
impossible, 66 , 101 , 102 – 104
irreversible, 66 , 101 , 123 – 125 , 127 – 129
isenthalpic, 157
isobaric, 51
isochoric, 51
isopiestic, 51
isothermal, 51
mechanical, 129
mixing, 302
purely mechanical, 66
quasistatic, 64
reverse of a, 64
reversible, 62 , 62 – 66 , 94 – 95 , 101 , 102 ,
solution, 324
spontaneous, 62 , 64 – 66 , 101 , 129 , 342
throttling, 156
Product, 313
Proper quotient, 350
extensive, 28
intensive, 29
molar, 175

molar, 29
specific, 29
Quantity calculus, 22
Quartz crystal thermometer, 45

Quasicrystalline lattice model, 308
Quasistatic process, 64

Randall, Merle, 105 , 149 , 294
Raoult’s law
deviations from, 402 – 404 , 433
for fugacity, 246 , 247
in a binary liquid mixture, 402
in an ideal-dilute solution, 255
for partial pressure, 246 , 246
in a binary system, 432
Raoult, Franc ̧ois, 245
Raoult, Franc ̧ois-Marie, 379 b
Reactant, 313
between pure phases, 344
cell, 451
endothermic, 318
equation, 312
equilibrium, 408 – 410
exothermic, 318
in a gas phase, 352 – 353
in an ideal gas mixture, 346 – 349
in a mixture, 344 – 346
quotient, 350 , 462
in solution, 353
Reaction quantity
molar, 316
molar differential, 316
molar integral, 316
Reciprocity relation, 140 , 147 p, 482
Rectilinear diameters, law of, 205
Redlich–Kister series, 310
Redlich–Kwong equation, 26 p, 34
Reduction to standard states, 335
Reference frame, 28 , 53
earth-fixed, 503
inertial, 486
Reference state, 257
of an element, 319
of an ion, 287
of a mixture constituent, 259
of a solute, 252 – 253 , 259
of a solvent, 259
Regular solution, 309
Relative activity, 269
Relative apparent molar enthalpy of a solute,
Relative molecular mass, 37
Relative partial molar enthalpy
of a solute, 329
of the solvent, 328
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