The Mathematics of Arbitrage

(Tina Meador) #1
13.3 The Banach Space Generated by Maximal Contingent Claims 265

Proof.As in the previous result, for a contingent claimg=(H^1 ·S)∞−(H^2 ·
S)∞whereH^1 andH^2 are maximal admissible, let us put:


















From Chap. 11 it follows that there is a maximal strategyK, such that|g|≤
β+(K·S)∞. This inequality shows that

β+((K·S)∞)≥(H^1 ·S)∞−(H^2 ·S)∞
β+((K·S)∞)≥(H^2 ·S)∞−(H^1 ·S)∞.

As in previous result we obtain thatK−H^1 +H^2 andK−H^2 +H^1 areβ-
admissible and maximal. Since 2(H^1 −H^2 )=(K−H^2 +H^1 )−(K−H^1 +H^2 ),
we obtain the inequality‖ 2 g‖≤β. 

Corollary 13.3.18.Suppose thatSis a locally bounded semi-martingale that
satisfies the (NFLVR) property. Ifg∈G, then there is a sequence of elements
Qn∈Mesuch that


Proof.It suffices to take a sequence that satisfies the third line. 

Remark and Example 13.3.19.For a contingent claimf∈Kmaxwe do
not necessarily have that


Indeed take a processSsuch that there is only one risk neutral measureQ.In
this case the norm on the spaceGis (half) theL^1 (Q)-norm.Asiswell-known
the market is complete (see e.g. Chap. 9) andG=


f|f∈L^1 (Q),EQ[f]=0



It follows thatKmaxa =


f|f∈L^1 (Q),EQ[f]=0,f≥−a


contain contingent claims with‖f−‖∞=aand with arbitrary smallL^1 (Q)-
This example also shows that the spaceG, which in this example is a hy-
perplane inL^1 , can be isomorphic to anL^1 -space. It also shows that the
coneKmaxis not necessarily closed. Indeed the coneKmaxcontains all con-
tingent claimsf∈L∞with the propertyEQ[f] = 0. This set is dense in


f|f∈L^1 (Q),EQ[f]=0


. However, we have the following result.

Proposition 13.3.20.Suppose thatSis a locally bounded semi-martingale
that satisfies the (NFLVR) property. The conesKmaxa are closed in the spaceG.

Proof.Take a sequencefninKmaxa and tending toffor the norm ofG.Since
clearlyf≥−a, the contingent claimfis the outcome of an admissible and
by Corollary 13.2.19, also of a maximal strategy. 

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