Higher Engineering Mathematics, Sixth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Adding alternating waveforms, 265
Adjoint of matrix, 239
Algebra, 1–12
Algebraic method of successive
approximations, 81–84
substitution, integration,392–395
Amplitude, 140, 143
Angle between two vectors, 276
of any magnitude, 135–137
of depression, 106–108
of elevation, 106–108
Angular velocity, 129
Applications of complex numbers, 221
differentiation, 299
rates of change, 299–300
small changes, 312–313
tangents and normals, 311–312
turning points, 303–307
velocity and acceleration,
integration, 375
areas, 375–376
centroids, 380–381
mean value, 377–378
r.m.s. value, 377–378
second moment of area, 383–391
volumes, 378–379
Arc, 122
length, 124
Area of circle, 124
sector, 125
triangle, 108–111
irregular figures, 203–205
under curve, 375–376
Argand diagram, 214
Argument, 219
Arithmetic mean, 541
progression, 51
Astroid, 315
Asymptotes, 190–196
Auxiliary equation, 477
Average, 541
value of waveform, 206–210

Base, 87
Bessel functions, 508
Bessel’s equation, 506–511

Binary addition, 89
numbers, 87–90
Binomial distribution, 556–559
expression, 58
series/theorem, 59–66
practical problems, 64–66
Bisection method, 77–81
Bits, 87
Boundary conditions, 445, 516
Brackets, 2

Calculus, 287
Cardioid, 315
Cartesian complex numbers, 213–218
co-ordinates, 117–120
Catenary, 43
Centre of area, 380
gravity, 380
mass, 380
Centripetal acceleration, 131
force, 130–132
Centroids, 380–381
Chain rule, 295
Change of limits, 395–396
Chord, 122
Circle, 122, 179
area, 124
equation of, 127–129, 179
Circumference, 122
Class interval, 534
Coefficient of correlation, 570–571
Cofactor, 237
Combination of periodic functions,
Common difference, 51
logarithms, 20
ratio, 54
Complementary function, 483
Complex numbers, 213–224
applications of, 221–224
Cartesian form, 213
coefficients, 645–649
conjugate, 216
equations, 217–218
exponential form, 228–230
form of Fourier series, 644–649
polar form, 218–221

powers of, 225–226
roots of, 226–228
Complex wave, 146–151
considerations, 641–643
Compound angles, 163–176
Computer numbering systems, 87
Conditional probability, 548
Continuous data, 529
function, 186, 611
Contour map, 359
Conversion ofasinωt+bcosωtinto
Rsin(ωt+α), 165–169
Correlation, linear, 570–574
Cosecant, 98
Cosh, 41
series, 49–50
Coshec, 41
Cosine, 98
curves, 138–143
rule, 108, 268–270
wave production, 137–138
Cotangent, 99
Coth, 41
Cramer’s rule, 247–248
Cross product, 280
Cubic equations, 9, 178
Cumulative frequency distribution, 535
Curve sketching, 196–202
Cycloid, 315

Deciles, 546–547
Decimal numbers, 87
Definite integrals, 372–374
Degree of differential equation, 445
De Moivre’s theorem, 225–230
Dependent event, 548
Depression, angle of, 106–108
Derivatives, 288
Laplace transforms of, 589
Determinant, 235, 237–239
to solve simultaneous equations,
Determination of law, 37
Diameter, 122
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