Proudhon - A Biography

(Martin Jones) #1
Radical Priorities

by Noam Chomsky

edited by C.P. Otero

2nd Revised Edition

The world-famous linguist at this best. This collection
of Noam Chomsky’s political writings — the first since 1973
and ignored by the mainstream reviewing media — brings
together some of his most important reflexions. Many pieces
appear for the first time together in English. A broad range
of subjects is covered with a view to alerting people about
the problems humanity is facing and possible solutions we
can undertake.
In the introduction, C.P. Otero lucidly presents an analysis
and overview of Chomsky’s social and political philosophy
unavailable elsewhere. For the first time, the roots of Chom­
sky’s politics arc examined in relation to his theory of
This book is invaluable for any general reader who would
like to make sense out of the daily press. The second revised
edition contains new important essays.
... “For those who desire a fuller picture of Chomsky’s
fascinating political scholarship, his Radical Priorities is
to be recommended... [it] contains a fine essay on Chomsky
by Carlos Otero.” — H A R V A R D INTERNATIONAL
... “one welcomes [this book], which promises to illustrate
Chomsky’s ‘political and social philosophy’... Of course,
Chomsky’s writing is always rewarding — any five pages...
are worth the price of the Volume. Radical Priorities is
another valuable collection of Chomsky’s political and social
criticism.” — THE VILLAGE VOICE.

Paperback ISBN: 0-920057-17-9
Hardcover ISBN: 0-920057-16-0
P olitics/P hilosophy/S ociology

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